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Import your content in minutes
Use our integrations to get all the content to translate easily. Accelerate your processes by having your content and translations in one place.
Control content and translations in one place.
Manage the content and your translations as you want from a simple interface. Collaborate with your team and professional translators.
Multilanguage in real time.
All your content translated in real time thanks to our Pluglin machine translation engine

Create your account

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Create your account for free
No credit card needed
Import your content in minutes
Use our integrations to get all the content to translate easily. Accelerate your processes by having your content and translations in one place.
Control content and translations in one place.
Manage the content and your translations as you want from a simple interface. Collaborate with your team and professional translators.
Multilanguage in real time.
All your content translated in real time thanks to our Pluglin machine translation engine

With your Pluglin account you will also have ...

Access to more than 4,500 professional translators of
Professional translation and / or revision of your content
Translation memories
We help you optimize your translations